Cyber Kerala

Rekha Raju

Rekha Raju, a child prodigy, started learning Rekha Raju dance at an early age of 4 under renowned Gurus- Kalamandalam Usha Datar and Sri Raju Datar and mohiniattam from Guru Smt. Gopika Varma. She completed her Masters Degree in Bharathnatyam with a distinction and is a rank holder of the Vidwath [proficiency] certificate also. She also holds an MBA Degree.

She did her Arangetram in 2003 and received praises from great critics. Her dance has taken her to places, with her having performed at National & International Festivals held all over India. Her performances at the Yuva Sourabha, organized by the Kannada Culture Department, programme at the Indian Council for Cultural Relations, Institute of World Culture, Delhi Interntional Festival, Poona dance Festival, Kajuraho Dance Festival, Konark Dance Festival, Purana Quila, Chennai seasonal dance festival, Chidambaram Dance festival, Vishwa kannada Sammelan at Belgaum, Andhra Music & Dance Festival are noteworthy. Rekha is an auditioned artiste at the Bangalore Doordarshan and an empanelled artiste for the Indian Council for Cultural Relations.

To delve deeply into various subjects, Rekha participates in several workshops conducted by great personalities of the field. She says dance is an ocean, the deeper you dive, the deeper it gets.

Rekha has performed at several old age homes and special schools. Presently she heads a dance institution "Nrithya Dhama", where she trains kids from minority section, and is also associated with the Freedom Foundation, a voluntary group that rehabilitates children with HIV.

She is working as a guest lecturer in dance at the International Centre for Management & Indian Studies and this institute trains foreign students to improvise Indian Culture. She is also a visiting faculty at Kristu Jayanthi college( concern of Christ College ) training students in folk dances and classical dances thus helping students participate in university fests and other competitions

She is one of the few dancers who has participated at the Tanjore Dance Festival where 1000 dancers performed entering into the Limca Book of Records. She has been honoured by the Bangolre Tamil sangam as the Best Young Dancer to promote Indian Art. She has also been given the title 'Swarna Mukhi' by the Kalahalli Temple Trust. At present under the able guidance of Guru. Smt. Sheela Sreedhar is doing her research Under the aspect of Abhinaya in comparison with bharathnatyam and mohinittam

She quotes the popular lines by H.A. Hans Bose, that she holds close to her heart "When I dance I cannot judge, I cannot separate myself from life. I can only be joyful and whole, that is why I dance."

Contact Details: Rekha Raju
Telephone: Res: 080-25441848, Mob: 9901692652

Rekha Raju

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