Late C.G.
Govindan Namboothiri was

born on Feb 15, 1935 in Chandramana illam, Asamannoor. His father was C.S.
Govindan Namboodiri and mother was Devaki Antharjanam. His primary education
was 7th.
learned Kathakali from 1947 under Kavunkal Chathunni Panikkar. After the
3 years study in Kerala he went to Darpana Academy of Performing Arts,
Ahmedabad with him and continued higher studies along with the job there.
Apart from Kavunkal Chathunni Panikkar, Kalamandalam Krishnan Nair and
Mankulam Vishnu Namboothiri helped him to become a good Kathakali artist.
He was
expertised in "Pacha", "Kathi" and "Minukku" characters.
performed Kathakali in temples and Kathakali Clubs. Received many
awards from many Kathakali Clubs. He got the award from Kerala Sahithya
Academy in 1994-1995, and in 1997-1998 he got senior "Fellowship" for the
research on 'Ilakiyattam' from Dept of Human Resources. In 1999 he was
awarded "Thulasivanam" award for classical arts.
Wife and four sons.