Kalanilayam Kunchunni was

born on Jan 15, 1951. His father is Kunchu Tharakan and mother is Ammukutty Amma.
After passing 6th, he learned Chenda in Kalanilayam and passed Diploma of 4 years, PG of 2 years and Practical of 2 years. Has practiced under Kalamandalam Damodaran Nair and Kalamandalam Appu Marar. Now working as Teacher in Kalanilayam.
He has participated in many Kathkali performances in all around India and in Itali. He played Chenda in Bombay Apna Utsav. Has won the first prize in the Chenda compitition organised by 'Kanchi Kamakoti Peedhathipathi'.