C. Raja Raja Varma (1860-1905)
C. Raja Raja Varma was younger brother of Raja Ravi Varma. He was a very good painter and has assisted Ravi Varma for many of his classic works.

He travelled with Ravi Varma all over India and wrote very detailed diary of everyday events with the great artist. Married Janaki Amma, elder sister of wife of C.V. Raman Pillai, writer and one of the earliest novelists in Malayalam. C. Raja Raja Varma expired on January 4, 1905 after an operation at Bangalore for stomach problems. He had no children. Beloved brother's loss was a great shock for Raja Ravi Varma who expired less than 2 years after that, on October 2, 1906.
Following are some of the paintings of C. Raja Raja Varma.
M.V. Dhurandhar (1867 - 1944)
M.V. Dhurandhar (Mahadev Vishvanath Dhurandhar) was born in 1867 at Kolhapur, Maharashtra. After preliminary education he joined J.J. School of Art,

Bombay and was trained under artist John Griffiths. Later joined J.J. School of Art and became it's first Indian origin director. One of his famous students there was S.L. Haldankar. Raja Ravi Varma might have met him since C. Raja Raja Varma's famous diary mentions 'a meeting with Mr. Dhurandhar, artist' in December 1903. Dhurandhar was awarded title 'Rao Bahadur' in 1927 and from then was known as Rao Bahadur M.V. Dhurandhar. He expired in 1944.
Following are some of the paintings of M.V. Dhurandhar.
S.L. Haldankar (1882-1968)
S.L. Haldankar (Sawlaram Lakshman Haldankar) was born in 1882 at Savantwadi, Maharashtra. After preliminary education he joined J.J. School of Art,

Bombay and studied under great artists like Walter Robotham, Cecil L. Burns, Ganpatrao Kedari, S.P. Agaskar, A.K. Trinidade, etc. Famous Indian painter M.V. Dhurandhar was also his teacher at J.J. School of Art. Later he became teacher at J.J. School of Art and then taught in Haldandkar's Fine Art Institute, Bombay also. Among his works, the most famous is a series 'Glow of Hope', the first one at Sri Jayachama Rajendra Art Gallery, Mysore is well known as 'Lady with the Lamp' and incorrectly attributed to Raja Ravi Varma by many. Haldankar expired on May 30, 1968.
Following are some of the paintings of S.L. Haldankar.